The founder, DoDBattleborn, is a proxy account. Please message Zblur#6961 for prompt response.
Does your significant other:
Give the evil eye when you're being too loud?
Refer to themselves as Destiny Widows?
Have you:
Had to put down your controller momentarily because you had to be a DAD?
Heard Guardian Down from another room while you're taking care of your child?
Wondered what it's like to play with like-minded fathers and family members who love this game?
Thought about joining a clan where community and heart matter as much as content?
If so, then we welcome you to join. We're not just a clan. We're an extended family. Come run a Raid or Banner with us. You'll never leave. There's room on the couch, bathroom's to the right.
Sister clan to DoD Battleborn Ascendant
For more information, please visit
Adult Dads/Father figures. Wives and kids with Dad sponsor